Régional Farm Chicken 6kg
Gift points : 20
Cats are carnivores. Despite their lifestyle today, their general metabolism and in particular their digestive system, is identical to that of their ancestors... Consequently, their physiological needs remain those of carnivores...
» we propose to our cats, so that it best meets their nutritional needs, must contain the foods they would consume according to their instinct in nature. However, we must take into account their current way of life (regular meals, overall lower physical activity, etc.).
The “INSTINCT” Concept is simple. It consists of integrating a high quantity of varied fresh meat into the carnivorous diet of our cats, ensuring a high protein intake, while minimizing the intake of carbohydrate-rich ingredients, such as cereals, which do not correspond to their natural diet. In other words, “INSTINCT” offers Biologically Appropriate Reliable Food (BARF)
“INSTINCT” foods are developed with this in mind; that is to say in proportions adapted to the nutritional needs of our cats using fresh meats, vegetables and balanced quantities of animal fats.
Unlike traditional pet food, "INSTINCT" has endeavored to diversify its meat sources in order to be faithful to the natural diet of the cat in nature (depending on the prey of the day).
The unique "INSTINCT" recipes have been developed with respect for the "benefits of nature" in order to guarantee health and long life to our companions.
“Cats are carnivores”. As a result, their physiology is genetically programmed to metabolize primarily meat ingredients and not carbohydrate-rich foods, such as grains found in traditional pet foods.
Nutritionally, our cats have very limited carbohydrate needs. On the other hand, their diet is almost exclusively meat-based. This is an essential metabolic difference with omnivorous type organisms. Indeed, the energy balances resulting from the use of carbohydrates are very low compared to those resulting from the metabolism of animal fats.
Cat physiology is not designed to metabolize large amounts of grain. Unlike traditional pet food, "INSTINCT" is therefore made up mainly of fresh ingredients, mostly based on varied meat and grain-free. Indeed, the high carbohydrate content of cereals contributes to: obesity, diabetes, high blood sugar and insulin resistance. It would be mainly implicated in the health problems of our cats today.
Vegetables are a choice source of vitamins, minerals and fibers essential for the health of our cats. They have the advantage of being a bioavailable source with a much lower carbohydrate content than cereals.
The cat instinctively seeks the benefits of certain plants to ensure their natural vitality and allow them to eliminate their toxins and strengthen their organs.
“Cats are carnivores”. Their need for animal fats, and not vegetable fats, seems obvious. "INSTINCT" therefore favors animal fats, because they are metabolized, in order to provide the energy necessary for the cat's body, much more efficiently than fats. of vegetable origin.
The health of our cat requires the supply of essential fats, such as omega 3. In order to guarantee the health and the best physical conditions of our cats, it is therefore essential to ensure a diet of omega 3 of animal origin, rather than from a plant-based omega 3 source; the latter being very little metabolized.
Traditional dry pet foods are often made from flour of animal origin and therefore constitute a very large and uncontrolled supply of minerals. “INSTINCT” primarily uses fresh deboned meat sources as a source of protein; this has the advantage of perfectly controlling the introduction of natural minerals in order to precisely meet the needs of our cat and thus to act in an optimized way on his health.
Shelf life: 18 months